Ne Janneman

general info
brewery: Rochefortoise - Brasserie La Rezette
alc. perc.: 7.00
category: blond

brew info
fermentation type: high
fermentation in bottle: yes
evolution of taste: yes

storage info
no storage information available.

pouring info
no pouring information available.

malt: barley

contributions (recent)
Edited by user darth_willy — 20/01/2011 12:18
New photos added by user Jan — 12/11/2010 13:33
[ contribution: Koen van Alphen ]

beer comments
colson frank
Comments: de smaak is te vergelijken met het boerken
de zelfde smaken komen terug ( niet echt mn ding )
In list: tasted beers
last login:
11/02/2021 23:06
created: 26/03/2012 22:25
In list: tasted beers
last login:
02/07/2018 11:41
created: 17/10/2010 12:18

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